Paris Special Operation Forces Combat Medical Care Conference

Paris Special Operation Forces Combat Medical Care Conference

Two days of an exciting event are over… The „Paris Special Operation Forces Combat Medical Care Conference“ took place for the first time in a historic venue in the heart of Paris from 20.-21. October 2022. The location Val-de-Grâce is a military educational institution that coordinates all medical and paramedical trainings of the Army Medical Service. The school was already founded on 9 August 1850 by decision of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.

This international symposium was dedicated to military physicians and paramedics as also trauma and specialized surgeons, who are involved in Special Forces Operational Medicine. About 250 people from 33 different countries became part of it – every seat in the conference room was taken and some attendees even had to stand. The two organisers Colonel Prof. Pierre Pasquier and LTC Dr. Florent Josse where very satisfied about this Conference.

The following international speakers visited this year´s conference too:

  • Stacy Shackelford (USA) Chief Joint Trauma System Defense Center of Excellence for Trauma
  • Geir Strandenes (Norway) Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research
  • Andrew P. Cap (USA) Director of Research US Army Institute of Surgical Research
  • Tim Hodgetts (UK) UK Surgeon General and Chair COMEDS
  • Sylvain Ausset (FRAU) Head of French Military Health Schools

We are looking back to great presentations during sessions like Other bricks in the wall of SOF medical support, Airway management, Bleeding, Damage control resuscitation and surgery in SOF environment, Special environments, Threats and Hazards, SOF combat casualties and Prolonged field care.

The main topic was about how to help wounded soldiers before arriving at a hospital - „a couple of minutes do the difference for the survival“ (quotation by Col. Stacy Shackleford, 1. presentation). Moreover 87% of the deaths are prehospital – ¼ avoidable. Transfusion save lives, if started early. This important information was part of the second presentation by Brig Gen Sylvai Ausset, MD. That gives only a small excerpt of many interesting and especially important information, which were presented during all these lectures.

Beside listening to exciting presentations, attendees had the opportunity to participate at industrial workshops, which highlighted the best practice of physicians and paramedics involved in special operations.

Attendees used the chance to extend their personal horizons and meet each other during the great Ice Breaker on the first evening by drinking wine and eating cheese in an easy-going atmosphere. One more special were the Demonstration of the French aeromedical SOF – damage control resuscitation and surgery team as well as the round tables on the second day, which gave participants the chance to meet experts and learn from each other.

But one should not forget the importance of coffee breaks to exchange knowledge with other experts too and visit the industrial exhibition - 30 partners presented themselves and their products/solutions.

Beta Publishing was also present this time and provided an informative contribution to the exchange of information among European paramedics with its specialist portals, such as the editions of the EUROPEAN MILITARY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMMS) and CIMM-ICMM journals and the online portal, as an international, neutral platform for the indispensable exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge in these specialised fields.

We are very much looking forward to a continuation of this unique conference in 2023 in Ulm, Germany as well as 2024 again in Paris, France.

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