30.07.2024 •

How to Deal with Radioactively Contaminated Casualties: Binational Practical Exercises at the Instruction Military Hospital Clermont-Tonnerre in Brest (France)

Umgang mit radioaktiv kontaminierten Verletzten: Binationale Übung im Lehrkrankenhaus Clermont-Tonnerre in Brest (Frankreich)

Robert M. Hermann, Gunnar Albertsen, Marie-Dominique Colas, Fabrice Entine, Joseph Pahlke, Johan ­Schmitt, Chloe Thill, Heinrich Weßling

In the context of national preparedness regarding the defense against terrorism and especially the current military confrontation in Ukraine, planning and practicing the handling of patients in case of nuclear incidents is an important issue, especially for healthcare facilities of the Armed Forces.

The German Strahlenschutzkommission (Radiation Protection Commission) has published comprehensive and far-reaching considerations for dealing with such a prospect, which are regularly revised and expanded [1]. Due to its extensive use of civilian and military nuclear energy, France has considerable practical experience, especially in dealing with contaminated persons and casualties. To learn from the French preliminary considerations and exercises, a delegation from the Bundeswehr Hospital in Westerstede has joined the French partner hospital Clermont-Tonnerre (Hôpital d’Instruction des Armées Clermont-Tonnerre, HIACT) during a regular training exercise for nuclear emergencies.

Read the detailed article here.

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