International Committee of Military Medicine

    The main objective of the ICMM is to ensure that our medical services personnel have the means to work together, using similar practices, in operations involving international cooperation. This is a…

      Virtual Reality brings therapy to PTSD Patients

      Imagine a virtual world where U.S. soldiers can walk the roads of Iraq with a standard issued M-4 in hand, feel the shockwave from an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast, experience the feeling…

        The Medical Service Logistical Support Point

        The establishment of the Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service response forces required an adaptation of the Medical Service operational logistics organization to the possible operational options. A new…

          Logistic Support for medical operations

          The profound changes the Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service has undergone due to the extension of its task spectrum since the end of the East-West confrontation and its involvement in peacekeeping and…

            Naval Medical Expertise Centre

            The Naval Medical Expertise Centre of the Royal Netherlands Navy has been founded recently. The primary objective was to combine all operational medical knowledge and expertise in the Navy: aviation…

              The Center for Man in Aviation

              All expertise that the Netherlands Armed Forces has in the area of man in military aviation has since 2002 been gathered under one roof at the Kampweg in Soesterberg in what we call the Center for…

                The Medic in the Netherlands Armed Forces

                In the policies of the Netherlands Surgeon General it is stated that the medical care during out of area operation should be the same as when the operation would have taken place in the Netherlands.…

                  Military Rehabilitation Centre

                  The Military Rehabilitation Centre (MRC) is the oldest rehabilitation centre in the Netherlands. It was founded immediately after the second World War (September 1946). It is located in the middle of…

                    The Institute for Defense and Partnership Hospitals

                    The Institute for Defence and Partnership Hospitals (Instituut samenwerking Defensie en Relatieziekenhuizen, IDR ) coordinates the cooperation between the Armed Forces and the participating civilian…

                      Military Healthcare Netherlands Armed Forces

                      As the editor in chief of the Netherlands Journal of Military Medicine it is a honour to introduce the Military Healthcaresystem Netherlands Armed Forces. To keep you as a interested reader I will…

                        Current challenges for the Medical Services

                        Military medical issues must be continually brought into line with the military mission and with changing operational and tactical conditions in the theater of operations. Throughout the German AOR…

                          Must Military Surgeons also be Field Surgeons?

                          For some time now, the Medical Corps of the German Bundeswehr has required its surgical medical officers to acquire a broader training profile and range of skills to ensure that there is marked…

                            The NATO Joint Medical Planners Course

                            The Joint Medical Planners Course (JMPC) prepares officers for a NATO medical planner’s appointment through a combination of lectures and practical hands on experience. During the week students…

                              Workshop on Respiratory Tract Management

                              During the 18th Asia Pacific Military Medical Conference (APMMC) in Singapore, Col MC Joachim Hoitz (MD) – by invitation of the Organizing Committee – reported on the subject respiratory tract…

                                Cooperation means to become more effective

                                We think it is time to consider a closer cooperation between the Medical Corps International Forum (MCIF) and the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM). We have recognised that the ICMM…

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