Innovation by tradition

    Siemens appliances are implemented in medical health care throughout the world – particularly in the field of military and disaster medicine. Siemens Healthcare products can be found in numerous…

      The Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine

      Hungary has established a Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (MILMED COE) and will soon begin the accreditation and activation process. In this article we aim to introduce the MILMED COE,…

        Invitation to the COMEDS Plenary

        The Swiss Armed Forces will be hosting the 31st COMEDS plenary from May 18th to May 22nd 2009 in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. It is the first time in COMEDS history, that a partner nation is…

          Einladung zum Nachwuchsforum 2009

          Das Präsidium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie e.V. (DGWMP) – Vereinigung Deutscher Sanitätsoffiziere –, hat im Oktober 2005 zur Erinnerung an seinen langjährigen…

            Besondere chemische Schadenslagen

            Zu diesem zentralen Thema begrüßte die Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz (AKNZ) in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler die Teilnehmer des 17. Forums Zivil-Militärische…

              Österreich ehrt den deutschen Sanitätsinspekteur

              Aus der Hand des österreichischen Botschafters in Deutschland erhielt der Inspekteur des Sanitätsdienstes der Bundeswehr, Generaloberstabsarzt Dr. Kurt-Bernhard Nakath, am 5. Dezember 2008 das…

                Zielvorgaben für den Sanitätsdienst

                „Dieser Führungslehrgang wird sich deutlich von den bisherigen Lehrgängen unterscheiden“, kündigte Generaloberstabsarzt Dr. Kurt-Bernhard Nakath bereits bei seiner Eröffnungsrede an. An…

                  Dental Services Malaysian Armed Forces (DSMAF)

                  This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the very existence of the Dental Services of the Malaysian Armed Forces. Since it’s humble beginning on 1st October 1958 when it was officially raised, the…

                    Gynaecology in Military Medicine?

                    There has been a continuous increase in the number of female soldiers in the German Bundeswehr following the implementation of the ruling of the European Court of Justice of 11 January 2000, in which…

                      How can we reduce the Burden?

                      The last two decades has seen a paradigm shift between ‘Cold War’ concepts of operations and those that we practice today. This implies that there is a need then to break out of the 20th Century…

                        Two Medical Specialists on a Mission in Uruzgan

                        Between June 3 and August 1, 2007 a medical military team was working at Camp Holland, in the province of Uruzgan, Afghanistan. This team has given medical care to Dutch soldiers, soldiers of the…

                          Nursing Care in Immunocompromised Patients

                          Concept of critical care nursing in immunocompromised patients usually comprises of prevention and treatment of life threatening complications of infections. These infections are prevalent due to…

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