29.03.2009 •

    Soldier Mental Health and Well-Being: Military Daily Life and Research

    The recent Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) operations in the Balkans and Afghanistan raise important questions about the effect of the experience on the mental health of members of the military services who have been deployed on missions. Research has shown that deployment stressors and exposure to combat result in considerable risks of mental
    health problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recogniction of mental problems is the first step toward helping a person who has symptoms of combat stress. Who is at risk for developing PTSD, how the signs and symptoms can be recognized, when treatment should be initiated and what the best interventions for prevention are has a strong
    foundation in international collective data resp. evidence-based medicine. Once an accurate diagnosis is made, management must begin in a timely manner to avoid debilitating sequelae. Treatment may involve psychotherapy,
    pharmacotherapy, or both. Chosing the right approach from an array of preventive measures and potential treatments can be a challenge. In addition, reducing the perception of stigma and the barriers to seeking mental health care among military personnel is a priority for research, education, and changes in the models of health care delivery.

    Datum: 29.03.2009


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