02.10.2019 •

    Poster: Developing a CompRadRisk (CRRis) NATO App for improved risk communication of radiation exposures – current status –

    Daniela Stricklin*, Nicole Flaig#, Matthias Port†, Michael Abend†

    *Headquarter Department of Energy, Washington DC, USA
    #Applied Research Associates, Inc., Virginia, USA
    †Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology affiliated to the University of Ulm, Munich, Germany


    Fig. 1: Screenshots of the so called “RadioRisk” software
    The Human Factors and Medicine (HFM) Panel of the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) provides the science and technology base for optimizing health, human protection, well being and performance of the human in operational environments with consideration of affordability. This is accomplished by exchange of information, collaborative experiments and shared field trials.

    Starting in the early nineties several STO HFM research task Groups (RTG), workshops and symposia were focusing on “Ionizing Radiation Bioeffects”. STO HFM 291 RTG was predecessed by HFM 222 RTG; their report was published in April 2018 (see also www.sto.nato,int). By implementing HFM 291 RTG the research in this field will be continued.

    Please click here to get the entire abstract.

    Datum: 02.10.2019

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