13.08.2007 •

    U.S. Army Dental Corps Mission

    The mission of the United States Army
    Dental Command (DENCOM) is to provide Soldier-focused dental services in a timely and cost-effective manner that supports America’s Army. The DENCOM vision is to provide effective and efficient quality dental services in any environment, while focused on Soldier health, dental readiness and leader development. The Europe Regional Dental Command (ERDC) mission is to ensure dental readiness, promote dental health, and provide dental care for America’s Army in Europe. The ERDC vision is that we are three Dental Activities (DENTACs) with one single mission. That mission is the execution of Army Dental Care. Our business is dentistry. Together, we will execute the mission compassionately, efficiently, and productively.

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    Datum: 13.08.2007

    Quelle: Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie 2007/2

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