The use of magnetic resonance therapy
Treatment of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaws
The main symptom of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) is the appearance of denuded jawbones. This surface provides an entering gate for infections, which may lead to further bone necrosis. Sequestrectomy indicated in BRONJ can result in weaker healing and dehistention. Magnetic resonance is used successfully in the treatment of in ammation in other elds of medicine. We studied the effectiveness of electromagnetic resonance in the regeneration of the mucosa. Methods: We included 23 patients in our study. 11 BRONJ patients where treated with magnetic resonance, thus trying to avoid postoperative dehistention. 12 patients undergone surgical treatment, but received no magnetic resonance therapy. Results: Patients treated with magnetic resonance showed much better recovery potential, signi cantly lower potential of wound failure, had minor postoperative sore and were in a much better general condition. Conclusion: magnetic resonance can be a great complementary treatment in avoiding patient pain and dehistention after surgery.
Datum: 01.11.2009