Defense Dental Services Britisch Forces Germany
British Forcs world-wide, their entitled families and attached civilian employees receive primary dental care from the Defence Dental Services (DDS). The DDS is a tri-service umbrella organisation that employs uniformed personnel from the Royal Army Dental Corps. Royal Navy and Royal Air Force as well as numerous civilians.
The primary role of the DDS is to provide dental care for military personnel as set out in its mission statement: "To deliver effective military dentistry that contributes to force generation and enhances operational capability."
The secondary DDS aim is to provie a service equal to that of the British National Health Service for service families and entitled civilian employees. Service personnel receive all necessary dental treatment free of charge. All others entitled to receive treatment have to make a contribution to the cost of treatment. This is generally equivalent to the National Health Service co-payments that would be raised for similar treatments in the United Kingdom.
Within Germany the DDS employ 176 military and ciivilian personnel to look after the dental needs of approximately 56,000 military and civilians.
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Datum: 18.07.2006
Quelle: Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie 2006/2